duminică, aprilie 21, 2013


It's dark now. But they feel each others' breath. And they know all they need to know. They kiss. And they feel each others' tears on their cheeks. And if there had been anybody left to see them, then they would look like normal lovers, caressing each others' faces, bodies close together, eyes closed, oblivious to the world around them. Because that is how life goes on. Like that......

There was darkness. There is light. There are men and women. There's food. There are restaurants. Disease. There's work. Traffic. The days as we know them, the world as we imagine the world.

*Perfect sense (2011)

luni, aprilie 15, 2013

Maxime 2

  • daca spui ca banii n-aduc fericirea, inseamna ca n-ai destui...
(am auzit-o intr-o melodie, nu mai stiu care, probabil e cunoscuta, dar mie tot mi-a placut)

duminică, aprilie 14, 2013

psi psiu

in fiecare zi numaipotcucateceva.
de exemplu nu mai pot sa merg cu troleul in care se baga caldura, desi afara sunt grade cu plus!!! adica serios, cand era gerul gerurilor, caldura nu mergea, iar acum......!TZAIIIII toate lucrurile 'is pe dos.

nu mai pot sa merg pe langa muncitorii care lucreaza la drumuri. nu as avea nimic cu saracii  oameni care muncesc ca sa isi castige existenta. eu ma bucur ca ei mereu isi fac de lucru, mai pun un asfalt prost, mai se face o gaura, mai vin si o repara, etc. dar cand vad o persoana de sex feminin, li se urca hormonii la cap mai rau ca adolescentilor de la grupul scolar de aeronautica "Henri Coanda" (credeti-ma, stiu ce zic, si e grav!).

las spatiu pentru completare ulterioara...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................