duminică, august 31, 2008

Thoughts to nowhere

The adventure of life is to learn
The goal of life s to grow
The nature of life is to change
The challenge of life is to overcome
The essence of life is to care
The secret of life is to dare

The beauty of life is to give
The joy of life is to Love

Life is too precious to worry about stupid SHIT
So have fun, get drunk and faaaaaaaaaaaall in lav'
Say what you want to say and do wachha wanna do'
Regret nothing
and don't let people who don't matter, bring you down!

Nothing lasts forever, so live it up
drink it down

laugh it off
avoid the bullshits,
take chances and never have regrets,

because at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted! <*3

Life is too short.....LOVE
grudges are a waste of perfect happiness
laugh when you can
apologize when you should
and let go of what you can't change
love deeply and forgive quickly
take chances...give everything

you have to take good with the bad, and smile when you're sad
love what you got and always remember what you had...
always forgive, never foget

learn from your mistakes but never regret...!

Love the people who treat you right,
forget about the ones who don't believe that everything happens with a reason.
If you get a chance, take it
If it changes your life, let it
Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

As we grow up we learn,that even the one person that wasn't supposed to let us down, probably will.
You'll have your heart broken more than once,
and it's harder every time.

you'll break hearts too,
so remember how it felt when
someone broke yours...
you'll fight with your best friend and maybe fall in love with them!
you'll blame a new love for things an old one did..
You'll cry because time is passing too fast,
you will eventually loose somenone close to you
So take too many pictures,
laugh too much,

and love like you've never been hurt because
every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness
you'll NEVER get back!

luni, august 25, 2008

Earache III

(prefa'te ca' vezi' un' apostrof'' )

O melodie.....cred ca se aplica si varianta feminina...
un cuvant, atatea intelesuri...o melodie, atatea ganduri...

Do I remind you of the pain that
He put you through, girl?
Is that the reason I’m to blame
Before I do it
Is it because he treated you badly
I always stand accused
Protecting yourself from somebody else
I’m not whose hurting you

And it’s killing me girl knowing you compare me to him
Always guilty before the sin
I can’t win, I can’t win, no

I’ll do anything to prove I love you
Baby girl, but I refuse to pay for something I didn’t do
I love you girl
But I refuse to stay, paying for his mistakes

He left a scare across your heart
I understand, girl
Don’t let his wrongs tear us apart
Girl I’m your man
Just because he did, you swear I’m cheating
You think I just don’t care
Why must I do time for another man’s crime
Girl you know that ain’t fair

And it's killing me girl knowing you compare me to him
Always guilty before the sin
I can’t win, no, I can’t win

I’ll do anything to prove I love you
Baby girl, I refuse to pay for something I didn’t do
I love you girl
But I refuse to stay, paying for his mistakes

I know he did you wrong
But tell me what does that have to do with me
Trying to show you something real
Figure out what is going on
Before you look up and I’ll be gone

I’ll do anything to prove I love you
But Baby girl I refuse to pay for something I didn’t do
I love you, I love you, I love you
I’ll do anything to prove I love you
But baby girl I refuse to pay for something I didn’t do
I love you girl
But I refuse to stay, paying for his mistakes...

duminică, august 10, 2008

N-am nevoie

n-am nevoie de poze ca sa arat ca sunt iubita
n-am nevoie de arme ca sa nu fiu ranita
n-am nevoie de tine ca sa traiesc
um tu nu ai nevoie de inima ca sa pretinzi ca iubesti

n-am nevoie de ei cand viata ma apasa
n-am nevoie de motive ca sa nu ies din casa
n-am nevoie de ploi sa ma opreasca
cum n-ai nevoie ca "noi" sa te incetineasca

n-am nevoie de munte ca sa-mi placa marea
n-am nevoie de pietre ca sa-mi strice cararea
n-am nevoie de flori sa vad cum palesc
cum n-ai nevoie de mine ca sa te iubesc

n-am nevoie de ieri ca sa traiesc azi
n-am nevoie de bani care te fac sa cazi
n-am nevoie de cer sa pot sa visez
cum n-ai nevoie de vorbe care-ti multumesc

n-am nevoie de minciuni ca sa nu te cred
n-am nevoie de lacrimi ca sa ma-ndrept
n-am nevoie de ipocriti care sa-mi stea in cale
cum n-ai nevoie de felinare sa-ti lumineze in zare

n-am nevoie de tine ca sa-mi spui asta
n-am nevoie de altii care sa-mi ia sansa
n-am nevoie de fetze ca sa imi strice ziua
cum n-ai nevoie de iubire ca sa-ti platesti chiria

n-am nevoie de ea ca sa fiu suparata
n-am nevoie de el sa ma simt impacata
n-am nevoie de cruci sa ma gandesc la moarte
cum n-ai nevoie de sfaturi sa treci peste toate

n-am nevoie de soare sa simt ca ma topesc
n-am nevoie de umbra sa vreau sa te privesc
n-am nevoie de compromisuri idioate
cum n-ai nevoie de timp sa te gandesti la toate

n-am nevoie de rau sa simt ca e greu
n-am nevoie de un suflet daca nu e al tau
n-am nevoie de atunci daca nu e acum
cum n-ai nevoie sa-ti iei ramas bun....

vineri, august 08, 2008


Am un balon si nu mi-e frica sa-l folosesc!
caci el ma duce intr-o lume colorata
ti se pare aiurea cand primesti prea multa dragoste....si nu esti obisnuit cu ea....
prea multa dragoste poate dauna grav....
nu-i ceva ce poti pastra intr-o pusculita si luata cate putina cand e nevoie...
nu e ceva tinut la loc de cinste si admirat de oaspeti...
nu e ceva care miroase frumos, ori are gust placut...
nu e palpabil si nici nu poti s-o incerci inainte sa vezi daca e buna ori rea...
si in general tot ce e moca acceptam rapid fara prea multe ezitari, insa ne plictisim repede de, sau consumam prea repede....
cand te lupti, muncesti, te chinui, suferi, faci compromisuri si sacrificii pentru a obtine acel, pretuiesti mult mai mult, nu te saturi repede de, nu-l consumi tot odata ci putin cate putin...
dragoste pe moca sucks

argh, si daca te gandesti ca timpul te va face sa....simti satisfactia ca ceea ce ti-a fost dat pe degeaba a trecut prin aceleasi etape ca si cand te-ai fi luptat pentru ea...wrong ;)

intr-un balon incape dragoste cand iti dai si ultima suflare doar ca sa creasca el mare
intr-o oala incape dragoste cand ai dat tot ce-i mai bun din tine ca sa prepari ceva gustos pentru ceilalti dara' nu pentru tine
intr-o sticla incape dragoste cand stii ca potiunea te face sa uiti de...clipe grele
intr-un dulap incape dragoste cand e plin cu memorii

vreau sa adun zorii de ziua si sa-i imprastii peste oras ori de cate ori se apropie norii de furtuna peste noi
si stropii mari de ploaie sa te trezesc atunci cand refuzi sa deschizi ochii...
curcubeul pentru viata monocroma de zi cu zi,
fulgerul ca sa aprinda scanteia de care nu ma lasi sa ma bucur,
tunetul pentru alungarea linistei monotone,
ceata pentru a ne ramane tot mereu cate ceva de descoperit intre noi
bruma caci rolul tau e sa ma inveselesti
gheata ca sa ne dam seama de puterea....
puterea pe care o pot avea 2 oameni...cand sunt impreuna..

a, si nu mai incerca...nu poti lasa o lacrima sa curga peste ce ai scris, cand doar ai batut la o masina...